As an independent French family-owned company, we believe in the diversity of talent and are committed to promoting equality between women and men.
The Gender Equality Index is rated out of 100 points.
SBM Life Science France has therefore set the following growth targets:
Progress target Indicator n°1 => Pay gap (Result 27/40)
In order to ensure equal pay for men and women for the same work or for work of equal value, SBM Life Science has set a 3-year target to reduce pay differentials not justified by objective criteria. => Result of at least 30/40.
Mesures :
Progress target Indicator no. 4 => Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the top 10 earners (Result 5/10)
SBM Life Science has set a 3-year target to increase the number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest-paid employees => as far as possible, retain at least 2 women among the 10 highest-paid employees & target 4/10.
Mesures :
Promoting the inclusion of women and men in management teams => Raising managers’ awareness of gender diversity and reminding them of this whenever internal and/or external positions are opened.
For the other indicators, SBM Life Science France obtained the maximum score.