Since 2021, following a diagnosis and analysis of our actions, we have set ourselves a course for a more sustainable future.
A CSR trajectory we have named “Grow Our Future“, consistent with our brand commitment and structured around 4 sincere and concrete priorities, capable of involving every one of our employees, customers and partners.
4 strong commitments reconciling nature and science, performance and responsibility, and helping each and every one of us to be agents of change.

Taking care of our people and supporting their development, as they support SBM’s growth and act as ambassadors in our sector.

ENSUREThe physical and moralsafety of our employees.
CREATEA pleasant working environment conduciveto the well-being of our employees.
PROMOTEThe development of each employee’s skills.
- Employee’s experience assessment through regular surveys:
- Great Place to Work certification in the US in 2021 and EU in 2022
- Health & Safety training:
- Regular safety trainings at production sites
- Prevention trainings such as « anti-harassment », Health & ergonomist speakers and safety events at HQ
- Annual training plan, Management and leadership programs, Internal mobility promotion to support employee’s growth
- Benefits policy with a variety of programs and resources available Gender Pay Equity measuring tool and score monitoring Remote working policy, which promotes work-life balance
- SBM CSR Awareness program for all our employees including workshops such as La Fresque du Climat
Taking a stand and supporting local communities, engaging with stakeholders, universities and partners.

SUPPORTOur suppliers in becoming aware of their own CSR issues.
ENGAGEWith communities to protect and place nature at the heart of our lives.
SHAREOur challenges, strengths
- The creation of a Group Code of Ethics shared with all our employees and stakeholders: reciprocal commitments in terms of employment law, health and safety, quality, anti-corruption, etc.
- A CSR Survey sent to all SBM suppliers in Europe to assess their level of maturity and support them in their actions
- Training courses delivered by SBM Universités in France to our retailers and partners to develop knowledge and practices in the world of gardening
- Being engage with CEC Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat which places companies at the heart of the green shift
- Partnerships with Green Fingers in the UK, Future Farmers associations and “ A Kid Again” in the USA, «Enséñanos tu huerto» schools in Spain., Our support for the protection of the Amazon through a donation to the Association Forêt Vierge (AVF)
Be mindful of our operations and environmental impact by controlling and reducing our energy consumption, waste and footprint.

MINIMIZINGOur environmental impact and carbon footprint.
MAKEOur production sites more energy efficient group-wide.
IMPROVEOur environmental performance.
Analysis of our carbon footprint and launch of a low-carbon trajectory in 2023, with Group-wide commitments for 2030 on the entire value Chain (Scopes 1, 2 and 3)
Logistics optimization: Transport trajectories and full truck load optimization, CO2 emission impact measure from our suppliers
Green IT carbon saving certificate
Environmental audits carried out at all our production sites in France with associated action plans on energy and water savings and waste reduction
Signing of the EcoWatt charter and implementation of a sobriety charter for the SBM Formulation production site in France
Renewal of Ecovadis certification (silver medal) for our SBM Formulation production site, and extension of this certification to the entire Group
FSC certification for a specific range of home protection products
Pratt Industries’ Environmental Partnership Award for SBM Pasadena USA
Develop and propose a complete range of sustainable solutions and educate our customers and consumers on our products’ correct and safe use.

DEVELOPA more sustainable offer.
ECODESIGNOur packaging on a European scale.
EDUCATEOur customers and consumers on the correct use of our products.
- The development and marketing of ready-to-use bottles made from 100% recycled plastic
- Cardboard boxes with 95% recycled cardboard
- Our new bottles for plant protection concentrated products: 30% recycled plastic and 5% less weight
- The creation of Just Dose: the new safe and precise dosage system
- 100% of new product launches assessed according to our eco-design standard
- 100% of our research into new active ingredients is focused on natural substances
- Europe’s leading natural solution with the Solabiol range
- An acquisition dynamic based on biodiversity and natural solutions: Or Brun and SPG
- Seezon digital ecosytem conceived with an educational and service-oriented approach to our consumers